Results 2020 / 2021
May 2021
Triathlon WA Triathlete of the Year
Sarah Nisbet 1st 25-29
Becky Lewis 1st 40-44
Bart Hollemans 1st 45-49
Carrie Anderson 1st 55-59
Rachael Manera 2nd 30-34
Damien Porter 2nd 45-49
Suzi Hall 2nd 45-49
Eva Czislowski 3rd 14-15
Clodagh Glynn 3rd 30-34
Manue Hooper-Bue 3rd 35-39
Snakes n Ladders Trail Run 14.9km
Cam Storm 4th 1.25.13 35-44
Jeff Murray 8th 1.29.22 35-44
Matt Genevieve 9th 1.29.30 35-44
Katherine Lake 9th 1.52.01 25-34
James Arnott 19th 1.56.19 45-54
Callum Franey 7th 1.16.46 25-34
Seven Gravel Race
Bart Hollemans 13th 5.17.54 40-49
James Arnott 145th 7.49.38 40-49
Michael Smith 186th 9.23.04 40-49
Busselton 70.3
Carrie Anderson 1st 4.58.02 55-59
Bart Hollemans 2nd 4.35.20 45-49
Doug Robertson 2nd 4.56.31 60-64
Brendon Dimmer 3rd 4.08.55 35-39
Claude Morris 4th 4.21.39 30-34
Ian Mossenson 4th 5.43.24 65-69
Manue Hooper-Bue 5th 5.00.59 35-39
Becky Lewis 5th 5.19.58 40-44
Sarah Nisbet 5th 5.31.04 25-29
Damien Porter 10th 4.46.31 45-49
Mat Myers 11th 4.47.33 45-49
Suzi Hall 11th 5.42.35 45-49
Pete O'Connell 18th 4.31.26 35-39
Justin Palmer 21st 5.07.22 50-54
Callum Franey 21st 5.14.26 25-29
Matt Pascoe 22nd 4.59.36 30-34
Dave Wingate 26th 5.01.52 40-44
Jeff Murray 28th 4.49.21 35-39
Amy Prosser 29th 6.34.48 35-39
Seng Pau Wen 32nd 5.30.07 25-29
Tom Andrew 44th 5.21.48 40-44
Matt Genevieve 45th 5.22.11 40-44
Michael Smith 49th 5.50.01 45-49
Tarek Meniwy 69th 5.58.57 40-44
Andre Racilan 72nd 6.14.02 30-34
April 2021
Mullaloo Olympic
Jeff Murray 4th 2.17.35 35-39
Mullaloo Sprint
Jacob Palmer 3rd 1.14.52 14-15
Bridges Fun Run
Justin Palmer 8th 43.38 50-54
Jacob Palmer 6th 19.09 U16
X Adventure State Off road Champs
Brendon Dimmer 1st 2.26.28 OPEN
Bart Hollemans 1st 2.44.56 45-49
Damien Porter 3rd 3.00.20 45-49
March 2021
Coastal Quest State Sprint Champs
Bart Hollemans 1st 1.05.23 45-49
Rachael Dodds 1st 1.11.15 30-34
Carrie Anderson 1st 1.12.28 55-59
Sarah Nisbet 1st 1.15.54 25-29
Eva Czislowski 1st 31.23 12-15
Damien Porter 2nd 1.06.25 45-49
Manue Hooper-Bue 2nd 1.09.49 35-39
Clodagh Glynn 2nd 1.12.01 30-34
Becky Lewis 2nd 1.13.31 40-44
Mat Myers 4th 1.09.34 45-49
Suzy Hall 4th 1.18.56 45-49
Matt Genevieve 5th 1.09.03 40-44
Justin Palmer 5th 1.10.38 50-54
Matt Pascoe 6th 1.10.11 30-34
Seng Pau Wen 6th 1.16.30 20-24
Jacob Palmer 7th 31.51 12-15
Tom Andrew 8th 1.12.09 40-44
Geoff Reiser 9th 1.19.13 45-49
Andre Racilan 15th 1.22.06 30-34
Shoalwater Classic
Geoff Reiser 79th 2.46.43 Overall
Peninsula 10k
Dave Wingate 28th 42.33 Overall
Peninsula 5k
Rachael Dodds 5th 20.39 Overall
Karri Valley Triathlon
Brendon Dimmer 11th 2.53.36 OPEN
Bart Hollemans 1st 3.02.42 45-49
Becky Lewis 1st 3.30.58 40-44
Rob Pouw 2nd 2.52.00 35-39
Damien Porter 2nd 3.08.49 45-49
Suzi Hall 2nd 3.52.21 45-49
Doug Robertson 3rd 3.31.39 60-64
Manue Hooper-Bue 3rd 3.25.01 35-39
Sarah Nisbet 3rd 3.50.51 25-29
Claude Morris 4th 2.57.28 35-39
Jeff Murray 4th 3.08.30 35-39
Pete O'Connell 5th 3.10.27 35-39
Callum Franey 6th 3.34.15 25-29
Mat Myers 7th 3.19.29 45-49
Tom Andrew 11th 3.28.04 40-44
Matt Genevieve 16th 3.37.47 40-44
Karri Valley Short Course
Mike Gee 2nd 1.18.14 40-49
Ty Campbell 4th 1.10.13 14-19
EXSS Race 3
Damien Porter 2nd 45-54
Eva Czislowski 2nd 14-15
Remy Patterson 3rd 12-13
Ty Campbell 3rd 16-24
Trans Cape Swim Run
Carrie Anderson 6th 3.58.09 Female Team
February 2021
Albany Triathlon
Jeff Murray 8th 1.17.15 Overall
Huskisson Classic Triathlon
James Christensen 432nd 3.26.59 Overall
Joondalup Classic Aquathon
Damien Porter 1st 36.53 45-49
Jacob Palmer 1st 37.47 12-15
Carrie Anderson 1st 41.58 55-59
Cam Storm 2nd 37.30 35-39
Mat Myers 2nd 40.13 45-49
Manue Hooper-Bue 2nd 40.20 35-39
Sarah Nisbet 2nd 41.03 25-29
Clodagh Glynn 2nd 42.26 30-34
Suzy Hall 2nd 44.06 45-49
Eva Czislowski 3rd 13.26 14-15
Becky Lewis 3rd 42.15 40-44
Callum Franey 3rd 44.46 25-29
Remy Patterson 3rd 15.03 12-13
Ty Campbell 4th 36.44 16-19
Matt Genevieve 4th 42.19 40-44
Stu Brown 5th 41.14 35-39
ATTA Gidge A 39km
Abi Bygrave 1st 1.14.49 18-29
Ty Campbell 2nd 1.15.53 Junior
Callum Franey 3rd 1.07.00 18-29
Pete O'Connell 4th 1.01.11 30-39
Jeff Murray 5th 1.06.28 30-39
Graeme Bamber 8th 1.01.40 40-49
Brendon Dimmer 1st Overall
Rockingham Club Sprint
Geoff Resier 37th 1.16.46 Overall
Busselton Jetty Swim
Katya Anderson 2nd 52.23 30-34
Suzy Hall 12th 58.31 45-49
Rob Pouw 14th 57.21 35-39
Brittany Cherry 20th 1.01.33 25-29
Carrie Anderson 36th 1.11.21 55-59
Andre Faria 66th 1.30.23 30-34
January 2021
Foreshore Triathlon
Brendon Dimmer 1st 29.14 30-34
Damien Porter 1st 34.20 45-49
Rachael Dodds 1st 35.46 30-34
Carrie Anderson 1st 37.37 55-59
Suzie Hall 1st 38.02 45-49
Sarah Nisbet 1st 38.13 25-29
Doug Robertson 2nd 35.57 60-64
Claude Morris 3rd 31.26 30-34
Clodagh Glynn 3rd 36.53 30-34
Becky Lewis 3rd 37.11 40-44
Eva Czislowski 3rd 13.48 14-15
Ty Campbell 5th 34.14 16-19
Justin Palmer 5th 34.38 50-54
Jacob Palmer 5th 12.53 14-15
Mat Myers 6th 36.58 14-15
Remy Patterson 7th 16.01 12-13
Patty Apps 8th 35.31 35-39
Tom Andrew 9th 37.40 40-44
Paul Doyle 11th 36.33 35-39
Callum Franey 11th 40.13 25-29
Matt Genevieve 12th 38.13 40-44
James Arnott 16th 40.46 45-49
Geoff Reiser 26th 43.53 45-49
Australia Day Triathlon
Jacob Palmer 1st 48.01 12-15
Justin Palmer 5th 1.17.05 50-59
Matt Genevieve 13th 1.19.14 40-49
Geoff Reiser 42nd 1.32.01 40-49
The Goose Sprint Bunbury Tri Club
Jacob Palmer 8th 1.08.43 Overall
Justin Palmer 9th 1.09.23 Overall
Qi Gong Perth Trail Series
Brendon Dimmer 1st 56.44 Overall - Course Record
Damien Porter 2nd 1.07.16 45-49
Jacob Palmer 2nd 1.12.07 14-15
Suzi Hall 4th 1.17.53 45-49
Justin Palmer 9th 1.10.57 50-54
Matt Genevieve 19th 1.12.53 45-49
December 2020
New Years Eve 8km
Damien Porter 23rd 32.09 overall
Carrie Anderson 67th 36.08
Rachael Dodds 83rd 37.10
Suzi Hall 88th 37.23
Exceed Super Sprint 2
Brendon Dimmer 1st 25-34
Damien Porter 2nd 45-54
Claude Morris 3rd 25-34
Suzi Hall 3rd 45-54
Rob Pouw 4th 35-44
Ty Campbell 4th 16-24
Jacob Palmer 4th 14-15
Justin Palmer 5th 45-54
Eva Czislowski 6th 14-15
Matt Pascoe 8th 25-34
Andre Faria 10th 25-34
Rockingham Club Race
Brendon Dimmer 1st 40.29 OPEN
Nodes Quest
Cam Storm 1st 31.41 35-39
Tom Andrew 1st 35.47 40-44
Luke Bourke 1st 16.24 12-15
November 2020
Left Bank Sprint
Luke Bourke 1st 42.13 16-29
Jacob Palmer 1st 1.02.25 14-19
Eva Czislowski 1st 1.04.00 14-19
Abi Bygrave 1st 1.07.11 20-29
Justin Palmer 2nd 1.01.27 50-59
Callum Franey 4th 1.03.03 20-29
Peter Kroeger 6th 1.06.14 20-29
Tom Andrew 7th 1.02.11 40-49
Dave Wingate 9th 1.02.47 40-49
Matt Pascoe 10th 1.05.21 30-39
Geoff Reiser 19th 1.11.00 40-49
Exceed Super Sprint R1
Luke Bourke 1st Youth B
Damien Porter 2nd 45-54
Eva Czislowski 3rd Youth A
Cam Storm 3rd 34-44
Ty Campbell 4th 16-24
Justin Palmer 4th 45-54
Jeff Murray 6th 35-44
Jacob Palmer Youth A
Rockingham Tri Club Spring Race
Tom Andrew 9th 2.03.11 Overall Long Course
Jacob Palmer 6th 1.01.21 Overall Short Course
Justin Palmer 7th 1.01.38 Overall Short Course
Fremantle Running Festival 10km
Carrie Anderson 1st 43.36 55-59
Katya Anderson 5th 43.14 30-34
Geoff Reiser 8th 46.46 45-49
Tour of Margret River
The Mighty King KOM Race Machine 5th 14.30.39 C Grade
Pete O'Connell
Lakes Bikes Flogs 9th 14.35.42 C Grade
Mat Myers
Graeme Bamber
Claude Morris
Lakes Bikes Da Gents 8th 16.08.40 H Grade
Tony Baker
James Arnott
Scott Bedforth
Luke Savy
The Mighty King KOM Handmaids 4th 16.36.47 A grade
Clodagh Glynn
Lakes Bikes Ladettes 7th 16.49.46 A grade
Becky Lewis
Eagle Bay Adventure Race
Brendon Dimmer 2nd 4.09.07 OPEN
Kewdale Criterium
Rob Pouw 12th B grade
Patty Apps 21st B grade
All Schools Triathlon
Luke Bourke 1st 34.50 Junior
Ty Campbell 4th 1.04.58 Senior
Eva Czislowski 4th 57.22 Intermediate
Jacob Palmer 6th 57.07 Intermediate
Mullaloo Olympic
Becky Lewis 1st 2.26.07 OPEN
Claude Morris 1st 2.04.19 30-34
Doug Robertson 1st 2.20.09 60-64
Sarah Nisbet 1st 2.35.40 25-29
Scott Bedforth 3rd 2.16.58 45-49
Mike Smith 19th 2.56.03 45-49
Mullaloo Sprint
Cam Storm 1st 1.10.33 35-39
Justin Palmer 1st 1.14.05 50-54
Jacob Palmer 1st 1.15.53 14-15
Andre Faria 10th 1.29.58 30-34
October 2020
Busselton 70.3
Carrie Anderson 1st 4.55.39 55-59
Manue Hooper-Bue 2nd 4.45.39 35-39
Clodagh Glynn 2nd 4.52.41 30-34
Rob Pouw 3rd 4.11.47 35-39
Tom Monkhouse 3rd 4.35.19 25-29
Doug Robertson 3rd 4.50.49 60-64
Rachael Dodds 3rd 4.53.38 30-34
Becky Lewis 3rd 5.12.02 4044
Abi Bygrave 3rd 5.17.14 25-29
Ian Mossenson 3rd 6.00.34 65-69
Damien Porter 4th 4.40.08 45-49
Claude Morris 5th 4.19.10 30-34
Luke Savy 5th 4.36.58 25-29
Sarah Nisbet 5th 5.33.53 25-29
Brendon Dimmer 7th 4.22.06 30-34
John Newman 8th 4.45.50 25-29
Emma Lindley 8th 5.23.12 30-34
Shane Matthews 14th 4.27.06 30-34
Patty Apps 15th 4.34.12 35-39
Peter Kroeger 17th 4.58.14 25-29
Matt Genevieve 19th 4.43.11 40-44
James Arnott 19th 5.07.38 45-49
Jeff Murray 21st 4.44.25 35-39
Scott Bedforth 24th 5.14.03 45-49
Callum Franey 27th 5.13.33 25-29
Tony Baker 27th 5.14.33 45-49
James Carter 34th 5.48.58 50-54
Tom Andrew 42nd 5.10.56 40-44
Mike Smith 52nd 5.48.58 50-54
2M Sorrento SLSC Swim
Katya Anderson 12th 33.26
Brendon Dimmer 19th 33.52
Rachael Dodds 22nd 34.40
John Newman 27th 35.24
Manue Hooper-Bue 30th 35.49
Jeff Murray 38th 37.02
Sarah Nisbet 39th 37.04
Luke Savy 42nd 37.10
James Carter 46th 37.21
Scott Bedforth 48th 37.25
Rob Pouw 52nd 37.36
Patty Apps 58th 38.22
Becky Lewis 62nd 38.31
Tom Monkhouse 76th 39.26
Tom Andrew 83rd 40.03
Carrie Anderson 87th 40.52
Clodagh Glynn 89th 41.07
Abi Bygrave 96th 42.02
James Arnott 98th 42.11
Claude Morris 103rd 42.43
Tony Baker 106th 42.54
Matt Genevieve 107th 42.56
Emma Lindley 108th 42.59
Peter Kroeger 110th 43.42
Callum Franey 128th 46.34
Ian Mossenson 130th 46.58
Michael Smith 148th 54.59
Exceed Winter Duathlon R3 State Championship
Becky Lewis 1st 1.12.56 40-44
Suzi Hall 3rd 1.22.41 45-49
Graeme Bamber 4th 1.02.32 40-44
Matt Genevieve 5th 1.04.12 40-44
Mat Myers 6th 1.06.18 45-49
Short Course
Luke Bourke 1st 35.43 12-13
Eva Czislowski 3rd 37.56 14-15
September 2020
Exceed Winter Duathlon R2
Matt Genevieve 2nd 1.09.44 40-49
Callum Franey 2nd 1.11.49 20-29
Bridges 10km
Carrie Anderson 2nd 44.13 55-59
Justin Palmer 14th 44.32 50-54
Katya Anderson 16th 44.23 30-39
Rob Pouw 18th 36.12 30-39
Bridges 5km
Jacob Palmer 9th 19.42 Under 16
August 2020
Exceed Winter Duathlon R1
Claude Morris 6th 1.01.03 OPEN
Luke Bourke 1st 33.17 12-16
Matt Genevieve 2nd 1.05.37 40-49
Mat Myers 3rd 1.07.44 40-49
Ty Campbell 3rd 1.08.43 16-19
Shane Matthews 4th 1.05.14 30-39
Perth Half Marathon
Emma Lindley 27th 1.33.39
Clodagh Glynn 34th 1.34.42
Claude Morris 46th 1.18.06
Tom Monkhouse 49th 1.18.58
Shane Matthews 104 1.25.42
ATTA 40km
Matt Geneiveve 1st 1.00.27 40-49
James Arnott 2nd 1.02.37 40-49
July 2020
ATTA 40km​
Matt Genevieve 1st 1.01.55 40-49
June 2020
James Arnott 2nd 1.03.17 40-49